Monday, 5 August 2013

How much protein powder should you take per day?

Hi guys, thanks for clicking onto this post about how much protein powder you should take a day.

We have discussed in this blog about what protein powders are, so the question question is looking at how much you should take per day. The amount of protein powder you need to take on a daily basis varies from person to person, and on diet.

Its impossible to say how much protein supplement should be taken in 1 day. Why is this? This is because you need to know how much protein you need per day, NOT how much protein powder. A protein shake is just a convenient way to increase your protein take.

A bodybuilding, athlete or a gym goer will need a high level of protein in comparison to some one who does not work out. This is because someone who works out needs a high level of protein to stimulate protein synthesis, allowing protein to help rebuild the build. In the gym muscle is torn and damaged. When you rest, provided you have the right levels of nutrition, your muscles will then grow back bigger and stronger. It is protein that allows your muscle to grow back bigger and stronger.

A minimum of 1g of protein is required by athletes, bodybuilders or weight lifters.

So a 200 lb male would need at least 200g of protein. Aywhere between 1-1.5g of protein per lb of body weight is fine.

So taking the example again of a 200lb male, they should be eating anywhere between 200 and 300 lb of protein per day. So how much protein powder do you need.

If you consume 200 grams of protein from food, then you may want to consume upto 100g of protein powder.

I hope this has helped, thanks for reading.

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