Sunday, 4 August 2013

What Is Protein Powder? A Basic Explanation.

What is protein powder?

Many gym noobies may jump straight to a protein powder, likely before they've even finished their first week of working out. Often these gym noobs will start looking at which protein powders they should buy, before actually finding out "what is protein powder". In this article we'll try and take a look at what a protein powder is, why you should (or shouldn't) use one, when you should use protein powder and what benefits you can get by taking a protein powder or protein shake. So without any further or due, what is protein powder?

Protein powder is supplement most commonly used amongst athletes and bodybuilders. The most common type of protein powder is whey protein, that is what we will be discussing in this article. A protein powder is a concentrated form of powder, whey protein is derived from cheese / milk through a complex engineering process. What is left is a powder. So this goes part way to answering the question of what is protein powder. This concentrated source of protein is most commonly mixed with water or milk and consumed as a drink. Bodybuilders and athletes can use these protein supplements in order help boost their protein intake. This is especially useful for a bodybuilder, athlete or anyone looking to build muscle. This is because a high level of protein is required for building muscle. Research has shown that protein powder if consumed daily, can help boost the immune system.

So any cleared to understanding what is protein powder yet?

Protein, not just protein powder, is crucial for building muscle. The body needs protein to promote muscle growth following an intense workout. When working out muscle is damaged through exercise. Protein helps this muscle grow back. Those exercising need a high protein diet perhaps this quantity is too much to consume from just food. So that is why athletes and bodybuilders turn to protein powder.

Ok so now that question of what is protein should have been answered. Lets take a look at how much protein powder you should consume. This is a bit of a trick question however, as the amount of protein needed, not protein powder needs to be established. For an individual looking to build muscle a minimum of 0.8g of protein should be consumed per lb of bodyweight. More commonly it is believed that 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight should be consumed. This can differ for women however. You can find out more information on which is the best protein powder for women at Shreddybrek.

So when you know how much protein you need for the day, you can figure out how much protein powder you need to consume. If you need 200g of protein a day, and can easily eat 150g from whole foods. Then you can consume 50g of protein from a protein powder.

That's it for today folks. I hope this article has answered your question about what is protein powder. Thank you for reading and keep checking back for more articles.

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